As wedding season approaches, the joy of celebrating love and companionship is accompanied by the delightful task of choosing the perfect wedding gift. While the market is filled with numerous options, finding a thoughtful and affordable present can be a bit of a challenge. Fear not, for we've curated a list of 5 fantasticgifts for couples, each under 5k, and sourced from the versatile collection at Furnisco. These gifts not only reflect your warm wishes but also add a touch of elegance and functionality to the couple's new journey together.


Graceful Vase: Blossoms of Love

A vase is more than a decorative piece; it's a symbol of the blossoming love . Our collection of graceful vase at Furnisco adds a touch of nature to their home. Choose a design that complements their style, providing a beautiful canvas for future floral arrangements.

Chic Wall Shelves: Timeless Elegance

For a gift that combines functionality and style, explore our chic wall shelves. These timeless pieces not only offer additional storage but also serve as a canvas for showcasing memories. Furnisco's wall shelves add an artistic touch to any space, making them the perfect wedding gift.

Elegant Curtains: Drapes of Romance


Enhance the ambiance of the  home with our elegant curtains. Choose from a variety of colors and patterns to suit their taste. These drapes not only provide privacy but also infuse a sense of romance and warmth into their living spaces.

4. Table Lamp: Illuminating Love

A table lamp is a gift that exudes warmth and coziness. Explore our collection, each piece designed to illuminate their love and their home. Functional yet stylish, Furnisco's table lamps make for a thoughtful and practical wedding gift.

5. Artistic Wall Art: Timeless Indulgence


Complete your gifting ensemble with artistic Wall Art. These timeless indulgences protect their surfaces with style. Furnisco Wall Art are crafted with precision, offering an exquisite blend of form and function.


Finding the perfect wedding gift under 5k that combines affordability, functionality, and style is no longer a daunting task, thanks to Furnisco's diverse collection. These thoughtful gifts not only fit within a reasonable budget but also resonate with the couple's journey into marital bliss. Choose one or combine a few to create a memorable ensemble that reflects your warm wishes for the newlyweds. Celebrate their love with gifts that adorn their home and hearts, making their journey together even more special.At Furnisco, each gift is not just an item; it's an expression of warmth and congratulations for the newlyweds. Our collection combines affordability with exceptional quality, ensuring that your gift becomes a cherished part of their journey together. Choose Furnisco and make your wedding gift a symbol of enduring love and lasting elegance.